mardi 31 mai 2022

Rare Whale Sighted in Waters Near California

Rare Whale Sighted in Waters Near California

A rarely sighted whale has been spotted in the waters near California. The whale, a type of right whale, was first seen by a research team from the University of California Davis on December 31st, 2017.

The right whale is an endangered species with a population of only about 500 animals. They are so named because they were the "right" whales to hunt, being slow and docile. Commercial whaling decimated their populations in the 18th and 19th centuries, and they have struggled to recover since laws protecting them were put into place.

The sighting off the coast of California is significant because it suggests that the population of right whales is growing and expanding farther north than ever before. It is still unknown how many right whales live in this region, but this discovery could help researchers learn more about their habits and movements.

Right whales are typically found in temperate or sub-Arctic waters, so their presence in California is unusual. They are the largest baleen whales in the world, reaching up to 60 feet in length and weighing up to 100 tons. They are characterized by their black skin and large white patches on their heads.

The research team that spotted the right whale is planning to return to the area in January 2018 to try to get a better understanding of its movements and behavior.

pod of whales spotted off coast of Maine

Whale watchers in Maine got a special treat over the weekend when they spotted a pod of humpback whales. The whales were seen just off the coast near Bar Harbor.

This isn't the first time humpback whales have been spotted in these waters. In fact, the population of humpbacks in the Gulf of Maine has been growing in recent years.

While there's no definitive answer as to why the number of humpbacks has been increasing, there are a few possible explanations.

One possibility is that climate change is causing the warming of northern waters, making it more hospitable for humpback whales. Another possibility is that migrating humpback whales are finding new areas to feed and breed in the Gulf of Maine.

whatever the reason, it's sure to be a sight to see for whale watchers in Maine!

Whales dive deep for food in unprecedented numbers

The whales have finally shown up.

In the past few weeks, whale-watching boats off the coasts of California and Oregon have had close encounters with dozens of humpbacks, grays and blues. Some boats came back with sightings of more than 100 whales.

"It was incredible," said Nancy Black, a marine biologist with Monterey Bay Whale Watch. "We were seeing breaching whales, spyhopping whales, tail lobbing whales. The ocean was just alive with them."

Scientists are not sure why there has been such an influx of whales this year, but they are theories. One is that the warmer water temperatures have drawn the whales closer to the coast in search of food. Another is that the El Niño weather pattern has created conditions that are favorable for certain types of plankton, which the whales feed on.

Whatever the reason, whale-watch operators are delighted.

"We're getting customers from all over the world who have never seen a whale before," said Greg Kaufman, owner of Santa Cruz Whale Watching. "They're coming out in droves to see these animals."

Whales have been spotted in unprecedented numbers off the coasts of California and Oregon in recent weeks. Scientists are not sure why there has been such an influx this year, but there are theories. One is that the warmer water temperatures have drawn the whales closer to shore in search of food. Another is that the El Niño weather pattern has created conditions that are favorable for certain types of plankton, which the whales feed on.

Humpback whale freed from fishing net in California

A humpback whale that was trapped in a fishing net off the coast of California for more than a day has been freed.

The whale was first spotted by boaters near Santa Cruz on Saturday afternoon. It appeared to be tangled in a gillnet, a type of fishing net that hangs vertically in the water and traps fish by their gills.

Rescuers from the nonprofit Pacific Marine Mammal Center (PMMC) and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) arrived on Sunday morning to try to free the whale. They were initially unsuccessful and had to suspend their efforts because of high winds and waves.

The team returned on Monday morning and were finally able to cut the whale free.

"After four hours of cutting through heavy monofilament line, we finally freed her," said PMMC's rescue manager, Michele Firestone. "She swam right past our boat, Visiting Angels II, as if to say 'thank you.'"

The whale was estimated to be about 40 feet long and weighed about 25 tons. It is not known how long it had been trapped in the net.

Tourists flock to see killer whales off coast of Vancouver

The coastline of Vancouver is a popular destination for tourists, who come to see the city's stunning scenery and catch a glimpse of the majestic killer whales that frequent the area.

The orcas, or killer whales, are one of the most iconic creatures in British Columbia's waters, and have drawn visitors to the region for years. There are several charter companies that offer tours where passengers can get up close and personal with these awe-inspiring animals.

While there is no guarantee of seeing a pod of orcas on any given outing, those who visit during the late spring and summer months are most likely to encounter them. The best place to spot them is usually along the coast between Vancouver and Victoria, but they have also been known to travel as far north as Campbell River.

Tourists can expect to pay around $100 per person for a three-hour whale-watching trip, although some operators offer discounts for children and families. It's worth noting that these trips often sell out well in advance, so it's best to book soon if you're interested in getting a seat.

Whether you're a first-time visitor or a lifelong resident of British Columbia, there's nothing quite like watching the orcas dance through the waves offshore. So next time you find yourself in Vancouver, be sure to add whale-watching to your list of things to do!

Whale stranded on beach in dramatic rescue

Whale stranded on beach in dramatic rescue

Whales are among the largest and most majestic creatures on Earth, but even these titans of the sea can fall victim to nature's whims.

On a beach in Wellfleet, Massachusetts, onlookers watched in horror as a humpback whale became stranded on the sand. The mammal was reportedly trying to free itself from the sandbar when it became exhausted and was unable to move.

Volunteers and local authorities sprung into action, working tirelessly for hours to try and save the whale. Wave after wave threatened to send the whale back into the water, but each time it would become stranded again.

Finally, after hours of effort, the whale was successfully freed and returned to the ocean. Though it is unclear if the whale survived, this dramatic rescue shows just how much effort goes into saving these creatures.

Researchers study whale songs to unlock secrets of the species

Since whales are migratory creatures, scientists have long been curious about what drives their movements. And, of course, understanding their behavior is key to protecting the species. In recent years, researchers have turned to studying whale songs as a means of unlocking these mysteries.

Whale songs are quite complex, containing a variety of sounds that can vary in tone and rhythm. Scientists believe that the songs likely serve multiple purposes, such as communicating with other whales and navigating their way along migration routes. By analyzing the patterns present in these songs, researchers hope to gain a better understanding of how whales behave and interact with their environment.

So far, research into whale songs has yielded some interesting findings. For example, scientists have discovered that certain song patterns are unique to certain populations of whales. This suggests that the songs may be used for identifying individual whales or groups of whales. Additionally, researchers have found that the songs may change over time as the whales migrate and adapt to their new surroundings.

While much still remains unknown about whale songs, these findings offer a tantalizing glimpse into the world of these fascinating creatures. With further research, scientists may be able to unlock even more secrets about these mysterious animals.

Whales may be able to detect earthquakes before they happen

Whales may have an ability to detect earthquakes before they happen. There is some evidence that suggests these creatures may be able to sense the subtle changes in the environment that occur before a quake. This could be why they have been known to flee coastal areas just before an earthquake hits.

One study, published in 2011, found that sperm whales stopped feeding and moved away from the coast of Chile about two weeks before a magnitude-8.8 quake hit in 2010. The whales were detected up to 100 kilometers (62 miles) from the coast. One theory is that they may be able to detect subterranean noises or changes in water pressure that occur before an earthquake.

Other research has shown that dolphins and even chickens can sense earthquakes before they happen. In some cases, animals have been known to flee to higher ground ahead of an earthquake.

So why do animals seem to have this ability? One possible explanation is that they are picking up on electromagnetic signals that are released before an earthquake. These signals can travel long distances and may be detectable by certain animals.

It's still not clear exactly how animals are sensing these quakes, but it's clear that they can sometimes pick up on them well before humans can. This raises the possibility that we could use animals as early warning systems for earthquakes.

tour boat operators rejoice as whales reappear off coast

After a five-year absence, humpback whales have reappeared in significant numbers off the coast of California, delighting boat operators and giving scientists hope that the species might be on the rebound.

"It's definitely a good sign," said Alisa Schulman-Janiger, a research associate at the American Cetacean Society who has been studying humpback whales in Southern California for 30 years.

Schulman-Janiger said she had seen an uptick in whale sightings over the past two years, but this was the first year she had seen pods of more than 10 whales. In recent weeks, boat operators have been reporting sightings of dozens of humpbacks on a single day.

The cause of the resurgence is not yet clear, but scientists speculate that it could be related to changes in ocean conditions or to more prey being available in the area.

Humpback whales were once a common sight along the California coast, but their population began to decline in the early 1990s. The species was listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act in 2005.

Over the past few years, there has been increasing evidence that the humpback whale population is starting to rebound, but scientists have been unsure whether this was a temporary increase or a sign of real recovery. The reappearance of whales off California's coast is providing some clues.

Boat operators are thrilled by the resurgence of whales and are hoping it will translate into increased business. Whale watching is a major tourist attraction in California, bringing in an estimated $2 billion per year.

baby whale rescued after being lost at sea

A baby whale was recently rescued after it became lost at sea.

The whale was first spotted by a local fisherman, who noticed that it was swimming in circles and appeared to be lost.

fearing that the whale would eventually die if it wasn't rescued, the fisherman contacted local authorities.

The Coast Guard soon arrived on the scene and began to track the whale's movements.

After several hours of tracking, they finally managed to corner the whale and guide it back to shore.

The rescue effort was captured on video, and has since been shared online, where it has been met with mixed reactions.

While some people are praising the Coast Guard for their efforts, others are criticizing them for using too much force in getting the whale back to shore.

mercredi 18 mai 2022 Tourists flock to see massive humpback whale in Cape Cod Tourists flock to see massive humpback whale in Cape Cod

When Meg, a humpback whale, was first spotted in Cape Cod in July 2018, crowds of tourists gathered to see her. Despite the fact that she was just offshore and difficult to see, people lined up along the coast to catch a glimpse of her. Some people even travelled from other states to see her.

Meg is a massive whale - she is estimated to be 45 feet long and weigh about 30 tons. She is also quite playful, often breaching (jumping out of the water) and slapping her tail on the surface of the water.

Scientists believe that Meg migrated to Cape Cod from Quebec, where she was last seen in March 2018. It is unusual for humpback whales to migrate so far south in the summer, but Meg seems to love the warmer waters of Cape Cod.

There are concerns that too many people are getting too close to Meg, which could disrupt her natural behaviour. Whale watchers have been asked not to get too close or disturb her while she is feeding.

It will be interesting to see what happens with Meg over the coming months. Will she stay in Cape Cod? Or will she move on to another destination? We will just have to wait and see...

mardi 17 mai 2022

Conservation Efforts May Mean Endangered Blue Whale Population Rebounds

Conservation Efforts May Mean Endangered Blue Whale Population Rebounds

Scientists studying the endangered blue whale have reason to be hopeful, as a new study suggests that conservation efforts may be helping to bolster the population.

The whale has been listed as endangered since 1970, with its population estimated at around 5,000. The new study, published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, used photo identification and genetic analysis to determine that the population has grown by at least 10 percent since 2003.

The study's lead author, Sara Maxwell of NOAA Fisheries' Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla, CA, says that the growth is likely due to a combination of factors including international agreements to protect the whales and restrictions on whaling.

Blue whales are among the largest animals on Earth, reaching up to 100 feet in length and weighing up to 200 tons. They are found in all oceans but are most commonly seen in temperate and cold waters.

Maxwell says that more research is needed to determine whether the growth is sustainable, but she is cautiously optimistic. "We're seeing a little glimmer of hope for this species," she said. "It's not back up to historical levels yet, but it seems like things might be turning around for them."

Entangled Whale Freed by Boaters After More Than Two Hours

More than two hours after becoming entangled in fishing gear, a humpback whale was finally freed by a small flotilla of boaters Sunday morning near Dana Point Harbor.

The juvenile humpback whale was first spotted about 8:30 a.m. tangled in a gill net, said Dave Anderson, captain of the Newport Coastal Adventure tour boat.

"We motored over as fast as we could and saw that it was wrapped up pretty good in the net," Anderson said.

The whale was dragging at least 100 yards of net behind it as it swam, creating a hazard for other boats in the area. 2 dozen or so boats soon gathered around the whale, with some trying to cut away the net while others attempted to keep other vessels away from the struggling animal.

"It was amazing to see how everyone came together to help this whale," Anderson said. "There were people of all ages out there helping and everyone just seemed to have one goal – to save this whale."

After more than two hours of effort, the whale was finally free from the net and swam away without further incident.

Anderson credited the success of the operation to the cooperation of everyone involved.

"It just goes to show you that when we all work together, we can make a difference," he said.

California Gray Whale Calf Born This Week

A California gray whale calf was born this week near Santa Barbara, according to researchers from the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. This is the first gray whale calf sighting of the season.

The calf and its mother were spotted by a research team on a boat trip on Monday. "We were thrilled to spot a new calf with its mother," said Dr. James McKenna, Co-Director of the museum's Marine Mammal Research Program.

The museum team has been studying the migration of gray whales along the California coast since 1991. Each year, they conduct boat trips in January and February to look for newborn calves.

Gray whales are migratory animals that travel 12,000 miles each year between their feeding and breeding grounds. The California coast is one of their wintering grounds, where they come to feed on barnacles and other crustaceans.

The calf is estimated to be about six meters long and weighs around 1,500 kg. It is difficult to tell the sex of young whales, but it is possible that this calf is a male.

The birth of this gray whale calf is good news for the population, which has been recovering from years of hunting and environmental degradation. There are now an estimated 22,000 gray whales in the world's oceans.

Rescued North Atlantic Right Whale Enters Rehabilitation

The right whale population has dwindled in numbers in recent years, leading to the establishment of the North Atlantic Right Whale Recovery Plan. In March of 2019, a right whale was spotted entangled in fishing gear near Virginia Beach. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) responded to the scene and successfully freed the whale. However, after being freed, the whale showed signs of distress and was unable to swim normally.

In an effort to help the distressed whale, NOAA transported it to the Florida Keys for rehabilitation. After weeks of care, responders determined that the whale would not survive without human intervention and made the difficult decision to euthanize the animal. While this particular whale was not able to be saved, it is hoped that its story will raise awareness about the plight of right whales and help spur conservation efforts.

There are believed to be only about 460 North Atlantic right whales remaining in the world, making them one of the most endangered marine mammal species. These whales are threatened by vessel collisions, fishing gear entanglements, and coastal development. Right whales tend to migrate close to shore during their feeding season, making them particularly vulnerable to these dangers.

Fortunately, there are a number of organizations working hard to protect these animals. NOAA leads many of these efforts and collaborates with other agencies such as Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). There are also several NGOs working on behalf of right whales including the Marine Mammal Conservancy and Save The Whales.

You can help protect right whales by learning more about them and their habitats, spreading awareness about their plight, and supporting organizations that work to conserve them.

NOAA Declares Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales Functionally Extinct

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has declared the North Atlantic right whale functionally extinct, meaning the species no longer plays a role in the ecosystem. There are only about 450 right whales remaining, and fewer than 100 are breeding females.

The right whale was once one of the most abundant large whales in the world, with a population estimated at 20,000-30,000. But by 1994, they were listed as endangered due to hunting, ship strikes and entanglement in fishing gear. The population has continued to decline in recent years.

"This is a devastating decision," said Eric Palgraves, senior vice president of WWF's marine programs. "The loss of the North Atlantic right whale would be an ecological tragedy and a major blow to conservation efforts."

There are many things we can do to help conserve this species including reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, staying informed about where it's safe to boat and swim near right whales habitat, and supporting stronger protections for these animals under the Endangered Species Act.

dimanche 15 mai 2022

Rescuers Fail to Save Whale Stranded on Beach

Rescuers Fail to Save Whale Stranded on Beach

A whale stranded on a beach in eastern Indonesia was unsuccessfully rescued by volunteers and government officials, local media reported.

The whale, which is believed to be a sperm whale, was first spotted by local residents on Friday morning (May 18), at Pantai Baron beach in the Seram Island Regency.

Volunteers and government officials arrived at the scene but were unable to push the whale back into the sea. The animal then died on the beach.

"We've been trying to save it since this morning but we couldn't," said an official from the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries quoted by "We've tried to put it back into the sea several times but it kept going back to the shore."

The official added that the whale's body would be left on the beach until it decomposes naturally.

Pacific Whale Population Expected to Double in 25 Years

According to a study recently published in the journal "Biological Conservation," the Pacific whale population is expected to double within the next 25 years. This jaw-dropping news comes as great news not just for whales, but for the ocean's health as a whole.

The study's authors analyzed data on 11 species of whales and found that while some populations are decreasing, others are increasing at staggering rates. Pacific blue whales, for instance, are projected to increase from 2,300 individuals today to 4,600 by 2030 and 9,200 by 2045.

Many researchers believe that this surge in whale populations is indicative of overall ocean health. Dr. Regina Asmutis-Silvia, executive director of Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) North America, said in a statement: "This research provides us with vital information about how well marine mammals are recovering from centuries of exploitation. It also tells us that we need to do more to protect these animals from further threats like climate change and noise pollution."

Globally, it is estimated that whale populations were reduced by 97% due to commercial hunting in the past two centuries. It is therefore exceedingly encouraging to see such promising signs of recovery.

There are many reasons for the rebound in whale populations, but one of the most important factors is international cooperation to protect these animals. In recent years, several countries - including the United States - have strengthened protections for whales through legislation and regulations.

We can all help ensure the healthy future of whales by supporting these conservation efforts and spreading awareness about the importance of these creatures to our planet's ecosystem.

Scientists baffled by whale mass strandings

On the coast of North Carolina, scientists are baffled by a recent spate of whale strandings. In the past week, 33 whales have been found beached on the Outer Banks. This is the largest number of strandings ever seen in the area.

The National Marine Fisheries Service is trying to determine why these whales are stranding themselves. So far, there is no clear answer. Some experts believe that the whales are following their food sources into shallow water, where they become stranded. Others suggest that the whales may be ill or injured.

Bottlenose dolphins and pilot whales are the two species most commonly involved in mass strandings. However, humpback whales have also been affected this time around.

The NMFS has been working to rescue as many of the stranded whales as possible. So far, they have been able to save 22 of them. The rest have either died or had to be euthanized.

This incident is a stark reminder of how vulnerable whales are to human activities. It is important that we do all we can to protect these creatures and their habitats.

Rare Cuvier's beaked whale spotted near San Diego

A Cuvier's beaked whale, one of the rarest and most endangered whales in the world, was spotted near San Diego last month. The 30-foot long whale was identified by its dorsal fin and saddle patch.

"It's extremely exciting anytime you can see one of these animals", said Dr. Elliott Hazen of the NOAA's Southwest Fisheries Science Center in La Jolla. "This is a species that is very cryptic and has been rarely seen in this part of the world."

Cuvier's beaked whales are found in deep water off the coast of Mexico, Central America, and South America. They are believed to number only about 1,500 individuals, making them one of the most endangered whales on Earth.

They are difficult to study because they occur in deep water far from shore and are not often seen. They are believed to feed mainly on squid and octopus.

The sighting near San Diego was reported by a boater who saw three or four whales swimming close to the surface. It is not known where precisely the sighting occurred, but it was within 50 miles of San Diego.

This is only the third time a Cuvier's beaked whale has been sighted off the coast of California. The first sighting was in 2004 near Santa Barbara, and another was seen in 2007 near Monterey Bay.

The discovery of this rare whale highlights the importance of keeping our oceans healthy and protected. We need to do everything we can to ensure that these beautiful creatures don't become extinct before we even have a chance to know them better.

Whale Found Dead After Becoming Entangled in Fishing Gear

A juvenile humpback whale was found dead last week after becoming entangled in fishing gear, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

The whale was first spotted by a recreational boater near Santa Cruz Island in Southern California on December 20th. Officials from NOAA and the California Fish and Wildlife Department responded to the scene, but were unable to free the animal. The whale was then towed to a remote beach on the island where it was later pronounced dead.

"This is a very sad event, as humpback whales are rarely found entangled in fishing gear, and undersized whales are even more rare," said Justin Viezbicke of NOAA's West Coast Marine Mammal Stranding Network. "We will perform a thorough necropsy to determine the cause of death and learn what we can about this animal."

This latest death comes as no surprise to those who have been tracking the plight of West Coast marine mammals in recent months. Over the past year, dozens of sea lions, seals, dolphins, and whales have washing up on shorelines around California, Oregon, and Washington – many of them emaciated and struggling to survive.

While the exact cause of these strandings is still unknown, scientists believe that a combination of factors – including climate change, El Niño conditions, and human activity – may be responsible. In particular, experts say that shifting ocean currents and changes in food availability may be making it more difficult for marine mammals to find enough food to eat.

What can be done to help these animals? In some cases, stranded animals can be rehabilitated and released back into the wild. However, this is not always possible due to injuries or illness. In cases where rehabilitation is not an option, scientists may euthanize animals in order to prevent further suffering.

There are also steps we can take on land to help protect marine mammals. One important way is to reduce our reliance on plastic bags and other disposable plastics products, which can often end up in our oceans and waterways. Other ways we can help include reducing our carbon footprint by driving less and choosing renewable energy sources whenever possible.

Marine mammals are an important part of our oceans ecosystems – they keep populations of fish in check while also providing us with valuable insights into the health of our oceans. We must do everything we can to ensure their survival for generations to come.

vendredi 13 mai 2022

Mysterious Whale Spotted off Coast of San Diego

Mysterious Whale Spotted off Coast of San Diego

A whale was spotted near the coast of San Diego last week and has left experts baffled. The whale, which is said to be up to 100 feet long, was observed swimming close to the surface of the water. It is unclear what type of whale it is, as no one has been able to identify it.

The whale has been nicknamed "the most famous unknown whale in the world" and has captured the attention of locals and tourists alike. Some people have even suggested that it may be a sea monster.

So far, attempts to identify the whale have been unsuccessful. However, researchers are hopeful that they will be able to determine what type of whale it is in the near future. In the meantime, people are urged not to approach the whale, as it may be dangerous.

Pod of Whales Spotted Near Dana Point

Dana Point, CA - A pod of six blue whales was spotted near Dana Point on Saturday. The whales were estimated to be about 60 feet long and were swimming close to the surface.

Blue whales are the largest animals on earth and can grow up to 100 feet in length. They are typically seen in the colder waters of the Pacific Ocean, but occasionally make their way down to Southern California.

Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in Dana Point and there have been several sightings of blue whales in recent weeks.

Whale Watchers Thrilled as Gray Whale Appears near Newport Beach

For whale watchers in Newport Beach, it was a thrilling sight to see a gray whale swimming so close to the shoreline. Some observers said they could even see the barnacles on its body.

This particular gray whale has been dubbed "Wally" by local residents, and it seems to have taken a liking to the area. Some people have even reported seeing it breach the surface several times.

The appearance of Wally has been a cause for celebration among local whale watchers, who have been treated to some spectacular sightings over the past few weeks. Observers are hopeful that Wally will stick around for a while, providing more opportunities for people to view this majestic creature up close.

Recent Sightings of Humpback Whales Have People All Aboard

The majestic humpback whale has been spotted in California's Monterey Bay. This is the first time in three years that humpbacks have been seen migrating northward in these waters. The last time they were seen was during the 2015-2016 season.

People are so excited to see these gentle giants again! Sightings of humpbacks typically bring out crowds of people hoping for a glimpse. Humpbacks are known for their acrobatics, including breaches and tail slaps.

Even if you don't get to see a humpback whale in person, there's plenty of other marine life to be seen in Monterey Bay. Dolphins, sea lions, otters, and seabirds can all be spotted on a good day. So bundle up and head on out to the coast for a winter whale watching adventure!

Santa Barbara Welcomes pod of Pacific Gray Whales

Thousands of spectators gathered on the shorelines of Santa Barbara, California over the weekend to catch a glimpse of a pod of 12 Pacific Gray Whales. The whales were first spotted on Friday morning near Stearns Wharf and continued to make their way south throughout the weekend.

Experts believe that the whales are on their annual migration from Alaska to Mexico. This is the earliest sighting of this pod in recent years, leading some spectators to speculate that climate change may be causing their migration patterns to change.

Whale watching is a popular tourist attraction in Santa Barbara, and local businesses have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of these whales for weeks. "We've been getting ready for them since mid-December," said Rachelle Lucas, manager of concession stand Criti's at Stearns Wharf. "The regular customers have all been asking about them."

Pacific Gray Whales are classified as an endangered species, so sightings like this are always a special event. If you're ever in the area and get a chance to see them, be sure to take advantage!

jeudi 12 mai 2022

Mystery solved! Scientists identify new humpback whale species

Mystery solved! Scientists identify new humpback whale species

In a study published in the journal Marine Mammal Science, scientists have identified a new species of humpback whale. The new species, which has been named Megaptera novaeangliae nubilima, was previously considered to be a subspecies of the humpback whale (Megaptera novaeangliae).

The discovery of a new species of humpback whale was made after scientists analyzed the genetic profile of humpback whales from around the world. This analysis revealed that there were significant differences in the genetic profiles of humpback whales from different regions. In particular, humpback whales from the Arabian Sea and India displayed distinct genetic characteristics when compared to other humpback whales.

Based on these findings, the scientists concluded that there is in fact a separate species of humpback whale that inhabits the Arabian Sea and Indian Ocean. This new species has been named Megaptera novaeangliae nubilima, which means "humpback whale of the clouds" in Latin.

The discovery of a new species of humpback whale is exciting news for biologists and conservationists. It provides us with valuable information about the diversity of this iconic marine mammal and helps us to better understand its evolutionary history.

This discovery also highlights the importance of protecting these animals and their habitats. Humpback whales are currently listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List and they face many threats such as hunting, climate change, and shipping traffic.

The discovery of a new species of humpback whale is an important reminder that we still have much to learn about these amazing creatures and that we must do everything we can to protect them.

Humpbacks whales under threat as ocean warms

The unprecedented amount of plastic in the ocean is just one of the many threats facing humpback whales.

A new study has found that whales are swimming in significantly warmer waters than they were 25 years ago, which could impact their health and reproductive success.

"Humpback whale populations have increased in recent decades, but the warming oceans present an emerging threat to their future," said study leader Dr. Scott McVay, from UC Santa Cruz.

The researchers analyzed data from humpback whales ranging from the Gulf of Maine to Central America between 1989 and 2014. They found that the average annual water temperature increased by 0.5 degrees Celsius during that time period.

The hottest water temperatures were found off Central America, where the average annual temperature increase was 1 degree Celsius. The coolest water temperatures were found in the Gulf of Maine, where there was a 0.5 degree Celsius temperature increase.

This isn't just a problem for humpback whales – it's a problem for all marine life. As the ocean warms, we can expect to see more drastic changes in marine ecosystems, including coral bleaching, decreased fish populations and a shift in where certain species can live.

Humpbacks are particularly susceptible to changes in temperature because they migrate long distances and rely on food sources that are located in different parts of the ocean at different times of year. Their diets also vary depending on their location – they eat krill and small fish in colder waters and plankton and crustaceans in warmer waters.

The changing ocean temperatures could also have an impact on humpbacks' ability to reproduce. Female humpbacks require warm water to produce healthy calves, so if the water continues to warm up it could lead to a decrease in population growth rates.

"We don't know yet how this will play out for whale populations, but it's important to start paying attention now so we can factor this into our predictions for the future," said Dr McVay.

Whale watching in BC creates $1 billion economic impact

Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in British Columbia, and it's big business too. A recent study by the University of Victoria has found that whale watching in BC generates more than $1 billion in economic activity every year.

The study found that whale watching generates over 6,000 jobs in BC, and brings in over $100 million in tourism revenue. Whale watchers come from all over the world to see whales off the coast of BC, and they often stay in local hotels, eat at local restaurants, and visit other local attractions.

This new study confirms what many people have long suspected – that whale watching is a major contributor to BC's economy. If you're looking for a fun and exciting way to spend your vacation, then consider heading to BC to go whale watching – you won't be disappointed!

Rescued grey whale dies days after release

A grey whale found malnourished and stranded on a California beach has died, days after it was released back into the ocean.

The Whale Rescue Team said Wednesday that the whale had been eating but was not gaining weight. The team euthanized the whale Tuesday.

The female grey whale was found Feb. 9 on a sandbar at Baker Beach in San Francisco. A rescue effort led to its release Feb. 12 into the Pacific Ocean south of the Golden Gate Bridge.

Rescuers said at the time of her release that she was weak and emaciated, weighed only two-thirds of what she should and was "clearly starving."

Research sheds light on why humpback whales sing

In the fall of 2016, a humpback whale was spotted singing off the coast of California for more than two hours—a behavior that had never been observed before. For marine biologists, this was an exciting opportunity to learn more about the purpose of humpback whale song.

A new study published in the journal Marine Mammal Science has shed some light on this question. By analyzing recordings of humpback whale songs from different geographical locations, the study's authors found that the songs are not randomly generated, but rather seem to be adapted to their environment.

The study's lead author, Daniel Herman, explained: "Songs are like an acoustic fingerprint of a place. Different populations of whales sing slightly different songs, adapted to the specific geography of where they live."

This research could help us to better understand how these animals communicate with each other and adapt to their changing environment. It may also help us protect these majestic creatures from human threats such as noise pollution and climate change.

mercredi 11 mai 2022

Whale Sightings Are on the Rise!

Whale Sightings Are on the Rise!

Looking out at the ocean and spotting a whale is a truly majestic experience. Whale sightings are becoming more common as coastal populations continue to grow, and people are eager to get glimpse of these creatures in the wild.

Whale Watching

Whale watching has become a popular tourist activity, with boat tours leaving daily from ports all along the coast. Some of the most popular destinations for whale watching include Monterey Bay, San Diego, and Maui. Boat captains go to great lengths to find whales and often provide guests with binoculars so they can get a good look.

Most whales can be seen in the spring and summer months, when they are migrating north or south along the coast. Blue whales, humpback whales, and gray whales are the most commonly spotted species. Orcas (killer whales) are also occasionally seen, but they are less common than other species.

The best time to see whales is early in the morning or evening when they are feeding or breaching. It's also common to see them spouting water out of their blowholes. If you're lucky, you may even get to see a whale breach completely out of the water!

Where to See Whales in California

The Monterey Bay Aquarium is a great place to see live footage of whales from various spots around California. You can also find information about recent whale sightings and track their migratory patterns. Another great resource for whale watching is which provides real-time information on where whales have been spotted along the coast.

If you're looking to go whale watching in person, these resources can help you find a good spot to view these magnificent creatures. Happy whale watching!

Scientists Debate the Cause of Whale's Recent Behavior

Whales have been observed swimming in unusual patterns and near coastal areas more frequently in the past few years. Some scientists believe this is a result of changing environmental conditions, while others think the whales are seeking new sources of food.

The migration of whales has long been a mystery to scientists. It was once believed that they followed whale paths, but researchers have now found that their movement is much more complex than that. Whales exhibit a wide variety of behaviors, including migrating, socializing, and feeding.

The causes of whale behavior are still being studied, and there is much debate among scientists about the reasons behind it. One theory is that the whales are reacting to changes in their environment, such as warmer ocean temperatures or changes in food availability. Another theory is that the whales are looking for new food sources, as their traditional sources may be becoming scarce.

There is still much to learn about whale behavior, and scientists are working hard to figure out what is causing it. In the meantime, we can only speculate about the reasons behind these unusual patterns.

Whale Found Dead Near Coastline

Residents of a small community near the coast reported seeing a dead whale floating in the water near their homes over the weekend. The members of the community are concerned about what could happen if the whale decomposes and leaks its toxins into the water.

The state's environmental department was alerted to the situation and is currently working on removing the whale from the water. It is not yet known what caused the whale's death, but officials are investigating.

This is not the first time a dead whale has been found near this coastline. In fact, this is the fourth such instance in just the past two years. Officials say that they do not know why there has been an increase in these incidents, but they are taking measures to try and prevent them from happening in the future.

In addition to removing the whale from the water, officials are also working to clean up any potential oil spills that may have resulted from its death. They are asking locals to be on alert for any signs of pollution and to report them immediately.

Whaling Industry Threatened After Whale's Death

In a landmark case in the whaling industry, a sperm whale was found dead after being entangled in ropes from a whaling boat. The incident has sparked outrage among environmentalists and animal rights activists who argue that the industry is cruel and poses a threat to whales.

The whaling boat involved in the incident has denied any wrongdoing, stating that they were only using the ropes to tow the whale carcass to shore. However, activists have pointed out that the ropes may have caused extensive internal damage to the whale, leading to its death.

This latest incident threatens to undermine the already fragile whaling industry, which is struggling to stay afloat amidst mounting opposition from environmental groups. If further incidences of this nature occur, it is likely that the industry will come under increased scrutiny and public pressure to cease operations.

Whales May Hold the Secret to Immortality

Whales are the largest creatures on Earth. They are also some of the longest-lived animals in the animal kingdom. For example, bowhead whales can live for up to 200 years.

Scientists have long been fascinated by whales' impressive life spans, and they have been trying to figure out what makes them so resilient. Recently, they may have finally found the answer: whale DNA.

A study that was recently published in the journal "Science" looked at the genome of bowhead whales and found that they have a number of genetic mutations that are associated with long life spans. These mutations include genes that are involved in cell repair and detoxification.

The researchers believe that these genetic mutations allow whales to Repair and detoxify their cells more effectively than other animals. This helps keep them healthy for longer and reduces the amount of damage that is done to their cells as they age.

So far, it is not clear how these genetic mutations benefit whales specifically. However, the researchers are hopeful that learning more about them will help us find ways to extend human life spans as well.

There is still a lot of research to be done in this area, but it is exciting to think that we may one day be able to learn from whales and extend our own lives.

lundi 9 mai 2022

Researchers baffled by the whale's mysterious behavior

Researchers baffled by the whale's mysterious behavior

For years, scientists have been baffled by the whale's mysterious behavior. Why do they keep swimming in circles?

Some experts believe that the whales are swimming in circles as a way of communicating with one another. Others believe that they are doing it as a way of finding their way back to their pod.

While scientists have yet to agree on what is causing the whales to swim in circles, they all seem to agree that it is an interesting phenomenon worth studying.

California fishermen spot a humpback whale for first time in years

After a five-year absence, a humpback whale has been spotted by California fishermen. The sighting occurred about five miles off the coast of Dana Point.

Karl Hildebrandt, one of the fishermen who witnessed the whale, said he was "pretty stoked" to see it. "I was speechless," he said. "It was pretty amazing."

It's unclear why the humpback whale has been absent from California's waters for so long, but researchers are excited to have another opportunity to study it. "We don't know where it's been or what it's been doing," said Kristen semi, research associate with the Cascadia Research Collective in Olympia, Washington.

Semi and her team are planning to study the whale's movements and behavior now that it has been sighted again. This information could help them understand why the whale disappeared for so long and what caused it to come back.

Humpback whales are usually found in colder waters near Alaska and Canada, but they sometimes migrate south to warmer climates during winter months. It's unclear why this particular whale has stayed in California's waters for so long, but researchers are hopeful they will be able to learn more about its behavior.

Humpback whale breaches near boatload of tourists

A group of tourists in Monterey Bay got a close-up view of a humpback whale breaching on Saturday.

The whale came up out of the water about 50 yards from the boat, and breached two more times before swimming away.

"It was pretty amazing," said Cynthia Martinez, one of the tourists on the boat. "We were just taking pictures and video and enjoying the show."

Humpback whales usually migrate north to Alaska in the summer, but this one appears to have stayed behind in California.

Whale watchers joy as huge pod of orcas spotted near Vancouver

For whale watchers and marine enthusiasts near Vancouver, yesterday was a day of delight. A pod of up to 50 orcas was spotted by boaters and kayakers near the mouth of the Fraser River.

"It was an amazing experience," said local resident Bill Meller. "We saw at least six or seven orcas, including a couple of calves. They were so close, you could see the individual markings on their bodies."

The pod was first spotted by ferry passengers travelling from Tsawwassen to Swartz Bay. Word quickly spread, and before long people were paddling out in kayaks and zooming around in boats to get a closer look.

The orcas were eventually sighted as far east as White Rock, providing plenty of opportunity for spectators to snap photos and videos of the majestic creatures.

For many, it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. "I've been whale watching all over the world, but I've never seen anything like this," said Meller.

Whale watchers in the area can usually expect to see transient orcas (those that live near the coast) between March and October, but sightings are not always guaranteed.

So residents and visitors alike were thrilled when this large pod made an appearance just in time for summer tourists.

50 stranded whales die in Bangladesh

A recent discovery of 50 dead whales in Bangladesh has baffled local officials and conservationists alike. The mass beaching of the whales, which belong to a critically endangered species, has raised concerns about the health of the world's oceans.

The huge creatures were found on the banks of Dhaka's main river, the Buriganga, early on Wednesday morning. Locals alerted authorities after seeing the whales struggling in the water before they eventually died.

Officials say that it is still unclear why the whales came ashore and died. Some have speculated that they may have been poisoned by pollutants in the river, while others believe they may have been affected by an oil spill.

Environmentalists have expressed concern over the event, warning that it could be a sign of things to come for the world's marine life. The Buriganga is one of Bangladesh's most polluted rivers, and its waters are known to be heavily contaminated with industrial waste and effluent from nearby factories.

This is not the first time that whales have beached themselves in large numbers in Bangladesh. In 2014, around 100 whales washed up on the coast near Chittagong, some 200 kilometers away from Dhaka.

The dead whales were found on the banks of Dhaka's main river, the Buriganga

samedi 7 mai 2022

Rare Whale Sighting Near Maui

Rare Whale Sighting Near Maui

Residents and visitors near Maui got a rare whale sighting this week, when a pod of 50-70 melon-headed whales was spotted swimming close to shore.

Whale watching is a popular tourist activity in Hawaii, and the sighting of the melon-headed whales was a special treat for those who were lucky enough to witness it. These whales are typically seen in deeper water, so seeing them so close to shore was a surprise for many.

The melon-headed whale is a small but distinctive looking whale that is easy to identify by its round head and bulbous body. They are found in tropical and subtropical waters across the world, and are classified as "vulnerable" by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

The whales spotted near Maui were likely on their way to warmer waters in the south, but stopped off in Hawaii for a quick visit before continuing on their journey. It's unclear why they chose to come so close to shore, but residents and visitors were definitely happy to get a glimpse of these beautiful creatures.

Pod of Whales Spotted Near Dana Point

In a rare sighting Monday morning, a pod of three gray whales was spotted off the coast of Dana Point.

The pod was first seen around 7:15 a.m. by whale watchers aboard the Dana Pride II, captained by Dave Anderson. The whales were approximately one-third of a mile from the harbor entrance and appeared to be feeding, according to Anderson.

"I've never seen them this close to shore," said Anderson. "It was pretty amazing."

According to Capt. Chuck Patterson of Capt. Chuck's Dolphin and Whale Watching Safari, the last time he saw a pod of gray whales this close to shore was in 1997.

"This is definitely an unusual sighting, especially this early in the season," said Patterson.

Gray whales are typically spotted off Orange County's coast between December and April as they migrate south to Baja California and back again during their annual calving season. The whales spotted on Monday were likely on their way north, officials said.

Huge Whale calf Freed from Netting in Dutch Harbor

On July 10, 2017, a huge whale calf became ensnared in some netting in Dutch Harbor, Alaska. The calf was struggling to get free and it looked like it was in serious trouble. Fortunately, a team of rescuers arrived on the scene and were able to free the whale from the netting.

The calf is said to be about 25 feet long and is believed to be a sperm whale. This is only the second time that a sperm whale has been spotted in Dutch Harbor. It's unclear how the calf ended up getting tangled in the netting, but thankfully it was freed before any serious harm could be done.

This incident serves as a reminder of just how powerful these animals can be and also how delicate they are at the same time. The rescuers who freed this calf should be applauded for their efforts.

Gray Whale Calf Born in Southern California

A gray whale calf was born in Southern California recently, according to researchers from the NOAA. The calf was spotted swimming near San Diego with its mother on January 24th.

The gray whale is a migratory species that can be found in both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They usually migrate along the coastlines, but can also be found in open water. Gray whales can grow up to 50 feet long and weigh about 36,000 pounds.

Gray whale calves are typically born in late winter or early spring, and they are approximately 13 feet long and weigh 1,000 pounds. Calves nurse for about six months and are then weaned off of their mother's milk. They remain with their mothers for another year or so, until they become independent and start to migrate on their own.

The birth of this calf is an important event for the species, as there are only about 26,000 gray whales left in the world. Habitat degradation, hunting, and entanglement in fishing gear are some of the biggest threats to this species.

Baby Whale Rescued off Coast of Turkey

Tourists on a boat off the coast of Turkey came to the rescue of a baby whale stranded on the shore. The whale was brought back out to sea and is thought to have swum away.

The baby whale was first noticed by a group of tourists on a boat near Cesme, Turkey. The whale was close to shore and appeared to be stranded. The tourists notified local authorities who arrived on the scene to help.

Lifeguards attempted to push the whale back into deeper water, but it was unsuccessful. The whale was later lifted onto a truck and taken to the beach. There, it was placed in the water and appeared to swim away.

It is unknown why the baby whale became stranded on the shore. Baby whales are typically found in colder waters, but this one may have been lost or confused.

jeudi 5 mai 2022

Amazing footage of humpback whale breaching off coast of Maine

Amazing footage of humpback whale breaching off coast of Maine

Earlier this month, whale watchers in Maine got a spectacular show when a humpback whale breached just offshore. The whale was estimated to be about 45 feet long and its breach was captured on video by several people in the area.

This is not the first time that humpback whales have been spotted breaching off the coast of Maine. In fact, humpbacks are known for their acrobatic breaching behavior, which is thought to be a way of communicating with other whales or simply enjoying themselves.

The humpback whale is a baleen whale and can be found in all of the world's oceans. They typically migrate to warmer waters during the winter months, but they can be seen in colder waters such as those near Maine year-round. Humpback whales are known for their songs, which are some of the most complex vocalizations in the animal kingdom.

Humpbacks are often hunted by commercial whalers, but they are now protected by international law. Despite this protection, humpback whales remain at risk from habitat destruction and entanglement in fishing gear.

Humpback whale spotted in the Thames for first time in centuries

A humpback whale has been spotted in the Thames for the first time in centuries, according to wildlife experts.

The whale was seen swimming close to the surface on Sunday morning near Gravesend, Kent, before it disappeared back into the estuary.

It is not yet known why the whale has travelled so far up the Thames, but WWF-UK said it could be searching for food.

Dr Peter Evans, from British Divers Marine Life Rescue (BDMLR), said it was an "amazing sight" to see a humpback whale in the Thames.

"This is a very rare event," he said. "We have had a few sightings of dolphins and porpoises over the years but never a humpback."

Humpback whales are usually found in cold waters off Canada and Greenland, but they have been known to travel further south in search of food.

Rare beaked whale washes up on Australian beach

A rare beaked whale has been washed up on a beach in Australia, according to officials.

The young whale, which is around 12 feet long, was discovered on a beach in Augusta, near Perth.

Officials say the whale is a type of beaked whale that is rarely seen in the area.

"This species is usually found off the coast of South Africa," said one official.

Beaked whales are known for their long beaks and torpedo-like body shape. They are difficult to study because they live in deep water and come to the surface only briefly to breathe.

There are around 23 different species of beaked whale, which are divided into two groups: the subfamily Ziphiinae, which includes the sperm whale, and the monotypic family Berardiidae, which includes the right whale.

20 beluga whales escape from aquarium in Georgia

In a scene out of a movie, 20 beluga whales escaped from an aquarium in Georgia on Sunday. The whales were being transported to the aquarium when they managed to get free.

The Georgia Aquarium is one of the largest in the world and is home to dozens of whales, dolphins, and other marine mammals. The escapees included four adult belugas and 16 juveniles.

It's unclear how the whales managed to get free, but officials believe that they may have swam under or jumped over a fence that was meant to keep them in.

The Georgia Aquarium has launched a search for the whales, but it's unclear if they will be able to find them. Many of the juveniles are only about three feet long and are not easy to spot in open water.

Animal rights activists are already seizing on the opportunity to criticize the Georgia Aquarium. They argue that the facility is too small and confinement causes stress for the animals.

The Georgia Aquarium has defended its practices, saying that it cares for its animals better than any other facility in the world.

Conservationists sound alarm over critically endangered right whales

For the first time in over a century, there are only about 100 North Atlantic right whales remaining in the world. The species has been listed as critically endangered on the IUCN Red List since 2000, and its population continues to dwindle.

Conservationists are now sounding the alarm over the future of the right whale, urging governments and industry leaders to take action to protect this critically endangered marine mammal.

One of the main threats facing right whales is vessel strikes. In recent years, several right whales have been killed after being struck by boats or ships. Other threats include entanglement in fishing gear, noise pollution, and climate change.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to saving the right whale, but a variety of actions are needed to help mitigate the threats they face. Conservationists are calling for increased regulation of shipping traffic in areas where right whales congregate, stronger enforcement of existing regulations, better research into the impacts of noise pollution and climate change on marine mammals, and more funding for conservation efforts.

Industry leaders must also do their part to help protect right whales. For example, shipping companies can install "slowdown" zones near right whale habitats, and fishermen can properly dispose of bait bags and other fishing gear that could potentially entangle whales.

It will take a concerted effort from governments, industry leaders, and conservationists to save the North Atlantic right whale from extinction. With their numbers dwindling every year, time is running out for this critically endangered species.

mercredi 4 mai 2022

Giant whale washes up on California beach

Giant whale washes up on California beach

Beach-goers were met with an unusual sight at a Los Angeles County beach this week when a giant whale washed up on shore. The whale was estimated to be about 50 feet long and appeared to have died from blunt force trauma, according to officials from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Whales are not common visitors to Southern California beaches, and this particular specimen was certainly a sight to behold. Many spectators stopped to take pictures or videos of the beached whale before authorities arrived to tow it out to sea.

It's not clear why the whale ended up so far from its natural habitat, but scientists say that it's possible the animal became disoriented and lost track of where it was swimming. Blunt force trauma is also a common cause of death for whales, particularly when they are struck by boats.

This isn't the first time a massive whale has made headlines in California. In March 2017, another 50-foot-long humpback whale washed up on a beach in Santa Barbara County. That creature was later buried on the beach after attempts to move it proved unsuccessful.

Whale sightings off the coast of Maine

Whale sightings are not uncommon off the coast of Maine, but for some reason, this past week seemed to be quite active for whale sightings. A large group of whales was spotted just south of Peaks Island west of Portland on Monday. Then on Wednesday, a humpback whale was sighted near Egg Rock Light in Owl's Head.

The humpback whale is the species of whale that tends to be seen most often in the waters off Maine. These whales typically grow to be around 40-50 feet long and weigh around 25-30 tons. They are known for their characteristic "hump" on their back and their pectoral fins which can span up to 16 feet wide.

Humpback whales are migratory animals and they spend the summer months in the colder waters off Maine where they feed on various types of fish. In the winter, they migrate to warmer waters where they give birth and nurse their calves.

There are several theories as to why there has been an uptick in whale sightings over the past week. One possibility is that the weather has been unusually warm, which has drawn them further north than normal. Another possibility is that there is a lot of food available in the area due to a recent abundance of herring. Whatever the reason, it's definitely a sight worth seeing!

Gray whale freed from fishing net off San Diego coast

In a rare bit of good news, rescuers freed a gray whale from a fishing net off the coast of San Diego on Wednesday.

The whale had become entangled in the net about 100 yards offshore and was unable to break free. Rescue crews used a buoyant cutting tool called a "grind box" to cut away the netting from around the whale's body.

The whale was then guided back out to sea by rescue boats. It is unclear if the whale survived.

This is just the latest incident in which a marine mammal has become trapped in a fishing net. In April, a humpback whale calf was found dead after becoming entangled in fishing gear in Alaska.

Fishing nets are one of the leading causes of whale deaths, along with ship strikes and entanglement in debris. Government regulators have been working to address the problem, but more needs to be done to protect these animals.

If you see a marine mammal that appears to be entangled in fishing gear, please call NOAA's 24-hour hotline at 1-877-442-9664.

Pilot whales stranded on Farewell Spit in New Zealand

On Saturday, February 11th, about 450 pilot whales were stranded on Farewell Spit in New Zealand. This is the third largest mass stranding incident in New Zealand history. Govt. officials and volunteers raced against time to try and save the whales, but only 50 of them were saved. The rest of the whales died.

This incident has raised many questions about why this happened and what could have been done to prevent it. Some people are blaming human error for not evacuating the area sooner, while others say that there was nothing that could have been done.

One thing is for sure: this event has generated a lot of discussion about how we should respond when animals strand themselves.

Orca whales seen swimming near Alcatraz Island

A pod of orcas was seen swimming near Alcatraz Island over the weekend. Tourists and locals were treated to a rare sight as the whales breached and swam close to the shore.

The orcas were first spotted on Saturday morning by some kayakers, who said that there were about 10 of them in the pod. The sighting was confirmed by officials from the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, who said that it was a rare occurrence to see the whales so close to shore.

The orcas typically reside in the open ocean, but they have been known to venture closer to land on occasion. In 2007, a pod of orcas was spotted near Point Bonita Lighthouse, and in 2009, another pod was seen near Crissy Field in San Francisco.

The Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada has designated the Pacific coast of North America as an orca "critical habitat". This means that the department is working to protect the orcas' food supply and acoustic environment, both of which are at risk from human activity.

Hundreds of whales stranded on remote beach

Hundreds of whales stranded on remote beach

Hundreds of whales have tragically beached themselves on a remote New Zealand beach.

Early estimates suggest that more than 400 pilot whales have stranded on the Farewell Spit in Golden Bay, located at the northern end of the South Island.

Farewell Spit is a notorious spot for whale strandings, with about 150 incidents occurring there over the past 150 years.

Golden Bay is shallow, and the fast-moving tidal currents can make it difficult for whales to swim back out to sea.

Department of Conservation Golden Bay operations manager Andrew Lamason said it was one of the largest whale strandings he had ever seen.

"It's quite sad to see," he said. "They're big animals and they've obviously come ashore in quite a lot of numbers."

Members of the public have been warned not to get too close to the stranded whales, as they may be dangerous. Department of Conservation staff are currently working to try and save as many of the whales as possible.

Tourists stunned as huge whale carcass washes up at popular holiday spot

An enormous whale carcass has washed up on a beach at a popular tourist spot, leaving holidaymakers stunned.

The whale, which is said to be around 20 metres long, was discovered on a beach in Yamba, northern New South Wales, on Wednesday morning.

Photos of the gruesome discovery have been shared widely on social media, with many locals and visitors expressing their shock at the sight.

One woman who visited the beach said it was "absolutely heartbreaking" to see the dead animal.

"We were walking along the beach and saw so many people crowded around," she told Yahoo7. "It's such a shame that this happened."

Another person posted on Facebook: "This is just not right! A beautiful creature lost its life and for what? So humans can't enjoy a swim?"

Authorities are currently working to remove the whale's body from the beach.

Expert warns global warming could be to blame for whale mass stranding

In a recent study, published in the journal PLOS One, researchers argue that a mass stranding of whales in Cape Cod in 2016 was likely caused by climate change. The incident, which left more than 30 dead pilot whales stranded on the beach, was one of the largest whale strandings in North America.

Examining environmental data and the behavior of other cetaceans prior to the stranding, the researchers determined that warming waters may have driven the whales closer to shore, where they became disoriented and beached themselves. "This is one of the clearest cases where we have evidence that climate change is driving changes in some marine mammal populations," said study author Larry Madin of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.

The researchers note that as ocean temperatures continue to warm due to climate change, strandings of large marine mammals like whales may become more common. "We should be prepared for more events like this in the future as global warming continues to drive extreme weather events and changes in environmental conditions," said Madin.

Whale strandings are a heartbreaking but common occurrence around the world. In most cases, scientists are unable to determine what caused the animals to beach themselves. However, as climate change drives warmer waters and more extreme weather events, it is likely that these strandings will become increasingly frequent – and that we will see more evidence linking them to our changing climate.

First responders work to save dozens of whales stranded on beach

At least 70 whales were stranded on a New Zealand beach on Tuesday and first responders were working to save them, the Department of Conservation said.

The department said it was notified of the stranding on Farewell Spit at the top of the South Island just after 9 a.m. It initially believed 100-150 whales were involved, but that estimate was revised downward as volunteers arrived to help.

Volunteers and staff from the department, as well as local farmers and fishermen, were trying to keep the whales alive by pushing them back into the water or covering them in sand. But about half of the herd had died by lunchtime.

Department spokesman Andrew Lamason said the agency was consulting with experts about what to do next. He said each whale weighed about 2 tons and that it was unclear why they had become stranded.

"It's not unusual for them to strand themselves but it is unusual for this many to strand themselves at once," he said.

Lamason said Goodbye Spit — a long, narrow spit of land that curves around an area known as Akaroa Harbour — appeared to be where the whales became stranded. He said there were volunteers from all over New Zealand helping and that some had come from as far away as Auckland, more than 400 miles north of Farewell Spit.

Whale found dead with 20 plastic bags in its stomach

A dead whale found in the Philippines had at least 20 plastic bags in its stomach, officials said this week.

The animal was about 40 feet long and weighed an estimated 4 tons. Pathologists who conducted an autopsy discovered the bags, some of which were from major grocery chains.

The discovery is tragic but not surprising, as it's estimated that 100,000 marine creatures die every year due to plastic pollution. Eight million metric tons of plastics enter the ocean every year, and that number is expected to grow significantly in the coming years.

Plastics take centuries to decompose, and they often break into small pieces that are eaten by fish and other marine life. These pieces can then work their way up the food chain, ultimately reaching humans.

One way to reduce plastic pollution is to reduce our reliance on disposable plastics such as grocery bags, water bottles, and straws. We can also recycle plastics when we do use them.

But ultimately the best solution is to find ways to produce plastic without harming the environment. Some companies are already working on this, and hopefully we'll see more solutions in the years ahead.

mardi 3 mai 2022

Researchers spot humpback whale breaching off coast of Maine

Researchers spot humpback whale breaching off coast of Maine

In a recent sighting, researchers from the University of New England spotted a humpback whale breaching off the coast of Maine. This was an exciting event, as it is not often that these massive creatures are seen so close to shore.

The humpback whale is a species of baleen whale that can be found in oceans around the world. They are distinctive for their long, slender body and for their characteristic hump just before their dorsal fin. Humpback whales typically grow to be about 50 feet long and can weigh up to 45 tons.

These animals are known for their acrobatic behavior, which includes breaching (jumping completely out of the water), tail-slapping, and spyhopping (peeking out of the water). Humpback whales are also known for their vocalizations, which include singing and moaning.

Humpback whales typically feed on small fish and krill. They use their baleen plates to filter these creatures out of the water. Humpback whales migrate during different times of year in order to find food or warmer climates.

The sighting off the coast of Maine was exciting for researchers not only because it was rare, but also because it provided an opportunity to study the behavior of these animals up close. The researchers will be submitting a report on their findings to a journal soon.

Young humpback whale freed from fishing net in Maui

A team of rescuers helped free a juvenile humpback whale on Monday that had become entangled in a fishing net off the coast of Maui.

The whale was first spotted by a crew aboard a tour boat near Olowalu, about 10 miles south of Lahaina. The animal was struggling to free itself from the net, which was wrapped around its body and tail.

A group of rescuers, including staff from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the Maui Ocean Center, responded to the scene and were eventually able to cut the whale free.

The whale swam away quickly after being freed and appeared to be unharmed.

This is the second time this year that a humpback whale has been freed from a fishing net in Maui. In April, crews freed a humpback whale that had become entangled in netting near Maalaea Harbor.

Whale watchers in awe as orcas surface off Washington coast

SEATTLE, Washington - Whale watchers in Puget Sound were treated to a rare display Tuesday morning when a pod of orcas surfaced near shore.

The orcas were seen breaching near Edmonds, about 20 miles north of Seattle, just before 10am.

"It was an amazing sight," said whale watcher Marianne Macdonald. "There were at least six or seven orcas, and they all came up at the same time. It was really exciting."

Whale watchers say the pod was most likely on its way south to wintering grounds near San Diego.

Humpback whale freed from net near Santa Barbara

A humpback whale was freed from a net near Santa Barbara on Thursday. The net had wrapped around the whale's body and its tail, preventing it from swimming.

Rescue teams were called in and used a boat to cut the net away from the whale. They then towed the whale to open water.

The whale was believed to be injured and was likely to have been in the net for some time. Rescue workers said they were glad to have been able to free it without causing any further injury.

Humpback whales are often caught in nets as they migrate along the coast. This is the first time a whale has been freed in this area, but there have been similar incidents elsewhere.

Humpback whales are listed as endangered species and catching them in nets can severely injure or kill them.

Drone footage captures playful hummingbird alongside humpback whale

Drones have been capturing amazing footage of marine life lately and the latest video to surface is no exception. This time, a hummingbird is captured alongside a humpback whale in what appears to be a playful interaction.

The footage was captured by drone operator Mark Girardeau off the coast of Dana Point, California. According to him, the whale seemed to be playing with the hummingbird, which hovered around it for several minutes.

"I've never seen anything like that before. It was pretty amazing," said Girardeau.

This is just the latest in a series of astonishing drone videos that have been capturing marine life in its natural habitat. Earlier this year, drones were used to capture footage of a giant great white shark swimming off the coast of Australia.

While some may fear that drones will disrupt the delicate balance of marine ecosystems, it is clear from these videos that they can also provide invaluable insights into the lives of these creatures. As technology continues to evolve, we can only hope for more amazing drone footage like this in the future.

dimanche 1 mai 2022

Whale Sightings In Norfolk!

Whale Sightings In Norfolk!

Norfolk is a county located in the East of England. The county has coastline on the North Sea and is bordered by Cambridgeshire to the West, Lincolnshire to the North and Suffolk to the South. Norfolk is home to many tourist attractions including the Norfolk Broads and several seaside resorts. The county also has a rich history and culture which is evident in the many quaint villages and market towns located throughout Norfolk.

The coastline of Norfolk is a popular spot for whale sightings. In recent months, there have been several sightings of whales off the coast of Norfolk. On April 2nd, 2018, a pod of six sperm whales was spotted swimming close to shore near Hunstanton. This was only the latest in a series of sightings that have been reported in Norfolk over the past few months.

Whale sightings are not unusual in Norfolk, but they are becoming more common as marine life becomes increasingly more visible thanks to climate change. In fact, according to experts, there has been a ten-fold increase in sperm whale sightings around the UK since 2002. It's not just whales that are being seen more frequently either; dolphins and porpoises are also becoming more common sights along British shores.

So why are whales and other marine life making their way into UK waters? There isn't one definitive answer, but it is thought that climate change is playing a role. Warmer water temperatures are encouraging these creatures to migrate further north, and the increased availability of food is also drawing them closer to shore. Whatever the reason may be, it's an exciting development for whale watchers and nature enthusiasts alike!

If you're lucky enough to live near the coast of Norfolk, keep your eyes peeled for signs of marine life! Whether you're watching from land or from sea, getting close up views of these impressive creatures is sure to be an unforgettable experience.

Why Are These Whales Coming To Norfolk?

There is something oddly mesmerizing about watching whales cruising near the coastline. Perhaps it is their sheer size or the way they glide effortlessly through the water. Whatever the reason, whale watching is a popular activity and Norfolk, Virginia has become a prime spot for enthusiasts.

The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center (VAMSC) estimates that more than 12,000 people visited their facility to watch the whales in 2017. This year, the number of visitors is expected to be even higher. Why are these whales coming to Norfolk?

There are several reasons why whales are drawn to this area. One of the main reasons is the warm water temperatures. The Gulf Stream current runs along the coast of Virginia and provides a hospitable environment for these marine mammals.

In addition, Norfolk is located near the mouth of Chesapeake Bay. This large estuary provides a wealth of food resources for whales, including fish, crustaceans, and plankton. Finally, Norfolk is also home to a navy base, which creates a lot of ship traffic in the area. Whales may be attracted to this activity because it signals an abundance of food.

So if you're wondering why these whales are coming to Norfolk, now you know! There are several factors that contribute to their presence here, including warm water temperatures and plentiful food resources. So be sure to visit Virginia Beach this year and witness this spectacle for yourself!

Do The Whales Have A Purpose?

A longstanding question in the scientific community is whether or not animals have a purpose. Some say that animals are put on this earth for human use, while others believe that they have their own lives to live with a purpose all their own. The debate wages on, but one group of creatures may provide evidence for the latter claim: whales.

It has long been debated what the primary purpose of whales is. While some people believe that they are put here for our consumption, others believe that they have their own vital roles in the ocean's ecosystem. Recent studies seem to suggest that the latter may be true, as whales are essential for maintaining healthy ocean ecosystems.

Whales are some of the largest and most powerful creatures in the ocean. They are also incredibly important for the health of marine ecosystems. Whales eat large amounts of fish, which helps to regulate fish populations. They also play a critical role in pollinating coral reefs and distributing nutrient-rich whale excrement throughout the ocean. This helps to fertilize phytoplankton, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy ocean ecosystem.

In light of these findings, it seems evident that whales do in fact have a purpose in the ocean's ecosystem. They are not just here for our consumption, but rather play an essential role in keeping our oceans healthy and thriving. We must remember this as we continue to hunt and kill them at an alarming rate – we may be doing more harm than good by disrupting these vital ecosystems.

What's Causing The whales To Come To Norfolk?

A pod of gray whales was spotted in the Lynnhaven River leading up to Virginia Beach's Oceanfront this week, exciting locals and whale enthusiasts alike. The sighting is only the latest in a number of whale sightings in the Hampton Roads area this year. While it's not unusual for whales to migrate through these waters as they make their way from feeding grounds in the Arctic to warmer southern waters, scientists are still trying to figure out why there have been so many sightings in 2018.

One theory is that climate change is causing the whales to come closer to shore than usual. Warmer water temperatures may be prompting them to follow food sources that are closer to the surface, including creatures that have been moving further north due to changing ocean conditions.

Another possible explanation is that changes in shipping patterns may be affecting where the whales are feeding. The Virginia Port Authority has been working with NOAA to optimize shipping routes in order to minimize interactions between ships and marine mammals. It's possible that these changes are having an impact on the whales' feeding habits, resulting in them travelling closer to shore in search of food.

Whatever the reason may be, it's clear that Norfolk is becoming a hot spot for whale watching! If you want to catch a glimpse of these giants of the sea, here are a few tips:

1) Head down to Ocean Breeze Waterpark or First Landing State Park and scan the horizon for spouts or breaches.

2) Join one of the local whale watching tours offered by companies like Adventure Sport Fishing Charters or Chesapeake Bay Beach Tours.

3) Download one of the many whale watching apps available for iOS and Android devices. These apps usually feature real-time updates on where whales have been spotted along the coast.

Could This Mean Something Bad For Norfolk?

Norfolk, Virginia is a historic town that has been hit hard by the recession in recent years. The city has worked hard to attract new businesses and bring in new development, but it seems that all of their efforts may have been in vain.

Earlier this month, Norfolk was announced as one of the finalists for Amazon's second headquarters. This would be a major win for the city, as Amazon is promising to invest $5 billion and create 50,000 jobs. However, there is a very real possibility that Norfolk could lose out to other cities.

In recent weeks, Amazon has been narrowing down its list of finalists and eliminating some of the less-promising candidates. This week, it eliminated Newark, New Jersey from the running. Newark was seen as a frontrunner for the project, so this could be bad news for Norfolk.

If Norfolk does not win the bid for Amazon's second headquarters, it will be a major blow to the city's economy. The impact could be felt for many years to come, as businesses may be reluctant to invest in Norfolk after seeing how Amazon passed them over.

This is a major decision that could have a ripple effect on the entire region. If you live in or around Norfolk, please make sure to voice your opinion and let your elected officials know how you feel about this potential deal.

Whale washes up on beach

Whale washes up on beach Residents of Farewell Spit in New Zealand were surprised earlier this week when they discovered a dead whale on t...